Hop in and join me on this crazy ride as I restore my first generation Bronco. This Bronco was my Dad's, and was given to me following his passing in April of 2019. I proudly took possession of her on October 8, 2022.
I remember the day Dad brought this beauty home. I was pretty little but I fell in love with her that day. She was light green (think Forest Service Green) and looked so cool! I asked Dad if the Bronco could be my car when I was old enough. Looking back I don't remember his response at the time, but apparently, I'm finally old enough! Thanks Dad! I will forever cherish her and the memories we made that she was part of. I'm excited to get her back on the road and making new memories with my family.
Not running, no battery, 4 flat tires, getting the Bronco out of Dad's garage to bring her home was a bit of a task in and of itself. To add to the challenge, the garage door had broken some time ago and would no longer open. Knowing the garage doors were soon to be replaced, we were given permission to use whatever means possible to remove the door. Some quick thinking, ingenuity, a grinder, and of course some muscle and we had the door out of our way! She was free from her home of over 20 years. We inflated the very worn tires in hopes they would hold air long enough to get her up on the car hauler. We held our collective breath and gave it a shot. Luckily they inflated but not knowing how long they'd hold we didn't waste any time getting her up on the car hauler. We winched her up, strapped her down and headed home.

Once we had her home, on the trailer in the driveway, the next challenge was how to get her off the trailer and into the garage. The final decision was that I'd climb in the driver seat to steer while the rest of the crew pushed us off the trailer. Easy peasy, just don't hit the tree! Once she was off the trailer, we pushed her into the garage. We then jacked her up and put her on 4 vehicle dollies so we can move her around in the garage more easily as we work to restore her.